hair transplant singapore

The preparation process for a hair transplant procedure involves several steps. FUE or follicular unit extraction is very popular today. It’s minimally invasive and recovery time is fast. If you are getting one soon, know how to prepare for the procedure.

Most patients can go back to their routine in no time. Ensuring that these are done will help achieve optimal results and a smooth recovery. Here’s a step-by-step guide that can help you prepare for the fue hair transplant procedure.

Preparation Before the Procedure

Start this journey by doing thorough research about FUE. Learn more about the process that you will go through. You should know more about the surgeon who will assist you. Schedule a consultation with the doctor. This is the time to discuss your goals and determine if you are a good candidate. The surgeon will do a thorough evaluation and assessment. Before setting the schedule with you, realistic expectations will be discussed.

On the Day Preparations

Give yourself some time to meditate. You must be mentally ready for this procedure before you go to the clinic. Choose to wear loose and comfortable clothing and avoid tops that need to be pulled over your head.

Double-check the instructions from your doctor. All documents needed or that were requested from you should be ready. Let your family or friends know of your FUE schedule. Provide them with the address in case they can’t reach you. Make sure that you arrive at the clinic on time. Ask the surgeon your last-minute questions before you proceed.

What to Do After the Procedure (Post-FUE)

After the FUE procedure, your surgeon will provide you with a list of aftercare instructions. This should be followed accordingly as this serves as your guideline. The list will include suggestions on how to properly wash and dry your hair. It will also note the things that you can and can’t do during recovery. Follow the recommended schedule on when you can go back to work. Remember that your surgeon made this list to ensure that you recover completely.

If you want to achieve optimal results, be prepared. Do the most necessary to ensure that you find the right surgeon and clinic for your hair transplant. This is a major decision so weigh the pros and cons of this procedure and see if it’s all worth it. Honestly follow the instructions from your surgeon. Failure to do so can put you at risk for complications. And that will hinder your road to recovery.